How to put and end to the Fear

How to put and end to the Fear

Fear is a natural human experience that manifests in various forms, such as nervousness, anxiety, and stress. Understanding the nature of fear is crucial for personal growth and spiritual development. In this discussion, we’ll explore how recognizing the illusion of fear can lead to profound inner peace and transformation in our lives.

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The Nature of Fear

Fear often arises from our belief in the realities we have constructed around us. It is important to realize that these fears, while common, are often rooted in misconceptions and distorted narratives. For instance, nervousness or anxiety usually stems from a deeper underlying fear. When we face these feelings head-on and recognize them as nothing more than thoughts, we begin to dismantle the grip they have on us.

The Teachings of Acceptance

One fundamental lesson is to understand that nothing real can be threatened and nothing unreal ultimately exists. This principle invites us to seek the peace that comes from acknowledging the distinction between our thoughts and the essence of reality. By practicing presence, we can step out of the confines of our mental stories and into a space of acceptance and openness.

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The Importance of Being Present

Presence is not only about being physically present but also about a mental state devoid of distractions. When focused on the now, we do not carry the weight of our past experiences or worries about the future. It allows us to connect with the essence of life itself rather than being caught up simply in our life situations—relationships, careers, or health issues. Recognizing that we are life itself, rather than defined solely by our circumstances, leads to a deeper understanding of our existence.

Letting Go of Conceptualization

An essential part of freeing ourselves from fear is letting go of the continuous conceptualization of reality. This means that we must detach from the judgments and stories we tell ourselves about our experiences. Embracing a state of spacious awareness can open up our lives, allowing us to see the beauty and simplicity of existence beyond our thoughts.

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Moving Beyond the Ego

The ego often constructs narratives that reinforce limitations and fears. It provides a false sense of security but holds us back from experiencing life fully. By entering a state of ‘not knowing,’ we open ourselves to a deeper intelligence that guides us. This approach encourages us to leap into the unknown, shifting our perspective and embracing new possibilities without the protective confines of our ego.


Embracing the idea that fear cannot touch what is real transforms our relationship with the world. By moving beyond the confines of our fears and beliefs, we invite a spaciousness that redefines our reality. It frees us from the constant pressure of life situations and opens pathways to a richer, more fulfilling existence. In letting go of our stories and embracing presence, we step into the vast potential of life itself.

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