HA breathing is a ho’oponopono cleansing method that accompanies the practice to clear the subconscious of memories that are the root of problems that manifest in reality.
This breathing generates energy called “MANA” which in Hawaiian philosophy refers to the divine energy generated by the conscious mind, as well as the subconscious and the superconscious.
In this specific case, HA breathing will help us generate a mind that can connect with the “zero state” and a bath of Mana energy from the superconscious or divinity can be generated so that the memories that are causing conflicts can be cleaned. our lives.
The first thing that you have to know is that the HA breathing consists of belly breathing or diaphragmatic breathing, instead of chest breathing. This belly breathing has the characteristic that when you inhale, the diaphragm contracts and moves downward, you can use your hands to follow your diaphragm expanding and contracting.
The Ha Breathing – Hawaiian Breathing Technique.
This is basically a concept very similar to the heart Rhythm meditation but instead of counting the beats of your heart you can follow your own rhythm and the count of 4 is also present. Inhale in four times, hold for four times, exhale in four times, and hold empty for four times. Also, it has a quick version of ha breathing with a ratio of 1:1:1:1.
In the art of Ha breathing different ratios of these times in the breathing can bring different levels of energy or specific results, for example, the Pro-Wellness Ratio breathing is 1:1:2:0 which means inhale in one time, hold for one time, exhale in two times and no empty time just return to inhale again, and this same ratio can be done with four times, that would be 4:4:8:0 which is: inhale in four times, hold four times, exhale in 8 times and no empty pause just continue to the next inhalation.
Also the Ha – Breathing incorporates movements to the breathing to help you to engage yourself in the practice and make it more effective because the movement harmonizes your physical body with the energy and bring them to congruency, you can see the Ha Breathing in action here in this video:
HA Breathing and Dr Hew Len
The modern version of Ho’oponopono has been made known worldwide by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len who wrote a book with Dr. Joe Vitale called “Zero Limits” where they together talk about the practice of Ho’oponopono and the different experiences and testimonies they have had with this technique.
Dr. Hew Len teaches his version of Ha breathing to infuse Mana, in fact, he explains that Ha means the process of Infusion and also says that this practice is not for the body, is for the soul and calls it “The four corners of the universe”, he also explains that this breathing exercise can help us to close all the physic doors that may be opened and are distracting our subconscious mind and that when you breathe you are breathing also to clean your family, relatives, and ancestors that came before you.
The Four Corners of the Universe Breathing:
- Inhale in 10 times
- Hold for 10 times
- Exhale in 10 times
- Hold empty for 10 times
- → Do ten rounds of these cycles to clean yourself.
- In the pauses (holding time) he recommends to allow the change to occur, remember that the change and transmutation come from the divinity, so put your intention to receive it.
This exercise can ground you to the present moment, can help you to be more focused to do your ho’oponopono practice, also can undo depression and even help with jetlag!
If we collect mana prior to do our prayers, these have more chances to be heard and answered by the Aumakua who really makes all the transmutation and creation for a new reality, if we give to our selves a good and sufficient source of energy our prayers and desires can be more effective and more quickly answered.
I hope this information has been valuable to you, that it has helped you to learn more about yourself and that it has awakened in you the desire to know more and practice more. If you like it please share, comment and Smile!
With Love,
Stela Ahau
PS. Join Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len in this best-selling Ho’oponopono Certification at 90% off discount only available here: Certification Program
If you’re looking for an advanced certification program look here (exclusive 90% discount): Advanced Program