The Chant to Water in Fire Ceremony

The Chant to Water in Fire Ceremony

The songs to the water in the fire ceremony are used to soften and make the fire sacred, so that the people who participate in the ceremony can approach it…

Shamanic Drumming – Benefits and Free Session

Shamanic Drumming – Benefits and Free Session

Shamanic Drumming is a rhythmic form that has been used in shamanic rituals, meditation journeys, and ceremonies for centuries. The Drum was probably the first musical instrument ever invented, and…

is Ho’oponopono effective in Physical Healing?

is Ho’oponopono effective in Physical Healing?

Is Ho’oponopono effective in physical healing? Dr. Hew Len has been clear about that Ho’oponopono is not a quick recipe, and that we have to be detached from any specific…

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Ho'oponopono Free Course!

7 days of Ho'oponopono Free Course with Dr. Joe Vitale + Newsletter