In every culture, stories are passed down that shape how we view the world and ourselves. One of the most well-known stories across the world is that of Adam and Eve. It’s a story about the first humans, temptation, and the consequences of their actions. But if we look deeper, we can see that this story holds a lot of emotional weight, particularly when it comes to the relationship between men and women.
In a fascinating talk by Dr. Hew Len, the master teacher of Ho’oponopono, he brings up this very story and how it reflects some of the deep-rooted patterns of blame, resentment, and rage that have been passed down through generations. According to Dr. Hew Len, this story contains valuable insights into the way we, as men and women, relate to each other—and how those relationships can be healed through Ho’oponopono.
The Blame Game: “She Made Me Do It”
One of the most telling moments in the Adam and Eve story comes after they eat the forbidden fruit. When God questions Adam, the first thing Adam says is, “She made me do it.” In this simple statement, we see the roots of a pattern that has played out for centuries. Women are often blamed for leading men astray, while men, in turn, harbor resentment and anger for being “forced” into actions they didn’t want to take.
This dynamic can be found in many relationships even today. Women may feel blamed or burdened, while men carry unspoken resentment. This tension often manifests in anger, frustration, and what Dr. Hew Len refers to as “rage.” But, as Dr. Hew Len explains, this isn’t a natural state for us as human beings. God didn’t create us to suffer. So where does this anger come from?
Rage as Old Data
According to Ho’oponopono, the rage and resentment we feel are not part of our natural state. Instead, they are “old data”—memories replaying from the past, influencing our current behavior and emotions. These memories aren’t necessarily from this lifetime; they could be ancestral memories passed down through generations. In the context of the Adam and Eve story, this old data is the root of the blame, anger, and frustration that both men and women feel toward each other.
Dr. Hew Len brings up the example of “menopause rage” as a manifestation of this old data. He points out that menopause is not naturally meant to be a time of suffering or anger. The hot flashes and rage that often come with it are symptoms of the old data, replaying within the body. These are signs that there is something within us—something deeper—that needs to be cleaned.
Dr. Hew Len talks about Adam and Eve and the previous version of Ho’oponopono
The Power of Ho’oponopono
So how do we heal this? How do we break free from the old patterns of rage and blame? The answer, according to Ho’oponopono, is in taking responsibility for everything we experience. This might seem counterintuitive at first. After all, why should we take responsibility for someone else’s anger or resentment? But in the practice of Ho’oponopono, the idea is that everything we experience is a reflection of something within us.
If we encounter rage or blame—whether it’s coming from someone else or from within ourselves—it’s because there is something in us that needs to be cleaned. Ho’oponopono teaches us to take responsibility by saying four simple phrases: “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.” These phrases are directed toward the divine, toward ourselves, and toward the memories and data within us that are causing the suffering.
By practicing Ho’oponopono, we can begin to clear the old data that’s been replaying for centuries. We can release the blame, the anger, and the resentment that have been passed down from generation to generation. And in doing so, we can return to our true, natural state of peace and love.
Healing the Story of Adam and Eve
The Adam and Eve story is a perfect example of how these old patterns of blame and resentment have played out over time. When Adam says, “She made me do it,” he’s placing the blame on Eve, and in doing so, he creates a cycle of guilt and anger that has been repeated over and over throughout history. But what if Adam had taken responsibility? What if he had said, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you”?
In Ho’oponopono, taking responsibility doesn’t mean taking the blame. It means recognizing that everything we experience—whether it’s anger, blame, or resentment—is something we have the power to clean. By taking responsibility, we’re not saying, “It’s my fault.” Instead, we’re saying, “I’m willing to clean the part of me that is creating this experience.”
Clearing the Path to Love
One of the most powerful teachings of Ho’oponopono is that we are all perfect, divine beings. Our natural state is one of peace, love, and harmony. The anger, blame, and resentment we feel are not who we truly are—they are the old data that we’ve accumulated over time.
When we practice Ho’oponopono, we are clearing the path back to our true selves. We are removing the layers of old memories and data that have clouded our experience of life. And as we clean, we begin to experience more love, more peace, and more connection with others.
The story of Adam and Eve is just one example of how old data can create patterns of suffering. But it’s also a story that shows us the way out. By practicing Ho’oponopono, we can heal the rage and resentment that has been passed down for centuries. We can return to our true state of love and peace, and in doing so, we can help heal the world.
Final Thoughts
The story of Adam and Eve, at its core, is about the human experience of blame, guilt, and suffering. But through the practice of Ho’oponopono, we can begin to see this story—and our own lives—through a different lens. Instead of seeing ourselves as victims of circumstance, we can take responsibility for our experiences and clean the old data that’s been causing our suffering.
So the next time you feel anger or resentment bubbling up, take a moment to pause. Instead of asking, “Why is this happening to me?” ask, “What’s going on in me that’s creating this?” And then, begin the process of cleaning with the simple phrases: “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.”
By doing this, you’ll not only heal yourself, but you’ll also help heal the world around you.
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