n a world brimming with diverse viewpoints and perspectives, navigating opinions can be a complex endeavor. The mind’s tendency to assert its existence through opinions often leads to entanglements that cloud our awareness and presence. Cultivating a deeper understanding of this relationship between thoughts and self-awareness can elevate our conversations and interactions.

The Role of Opinions
Opinions are an intrinsic part of human communication. They arise effortlessly, especially during conversations where the egoic mind feels compelled to participate. This response often leads us into a mental stream where our thoughts dictate our reactions, rather than our awareness guiding our interactions. The challenge lies in maintaining enough presence to recognize the movement of our thoughts, thereby avoiding becoming lost in this mental stream.
Practicing Presence While Listening
One effective practice to enhance our awareness during discussions is to consciously listen. This involves two layers of awareness: the content of what is being said and the presence of ourselves as the listener. By fostering this dual awareness, we can engage in conversations more mindfully, enabling us to observe the emotional charge behind others’ opinions without feeling the need to adopt a mental position ourselves.
Observing the Need to Express Opinions
Human nature often compels us to express our own opinions, especially on topics that evoke strong feelings. However, refraining from sharing opinions when it doesn’t serve a purpose can be a valuable spiritual practice. By questioning the necessity to voice an opinion, we can explore how it feels to simply listen and be present. This practice may initially evoke feelings of loss regarding our identity, yet it can propel us towards a deeper sense of awareness, beyond the confines of our egoic identity.
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The Power of Neutral Observation
When discussing contentious topics, it’s crucial to cultivate a neutral observation. Rather than simply agreeing or disagreeing, we can practice recognizing the underlying compulsion behind our opinions and the opinions of others. The Buddha referred to this entanglement as the “thicket of opinions,” highlighting how thoughts can become so intertwined with our sense of self that they overshadow our awareness.
Ceasing to Cherish Opinions
A profound teaching invites us to “stop cherishing opinions.” This does not mean renouncing opinions entirely, as that would be impractical. Instead, it urges us to detach our sense of self from these opinions. Cherishing opinions implies a deep identification with them, where our thoughts become a part of our identity. The practice lies in refraining from allowing opinions to possess us or dictate our responses. Acknowledging that opinions are merely mental positions frees us, allowing us to maintain our awareness.
The journey towards deeper self-awareness begins with understanding our relationship with opinions. By practicing presence in conversations, observing rather than engaging in the pull of mental positions, and refraining from venerating our opinions, we can cultivate a richer inner awareness. Stopping the cherishing of opinions fosters a greater sense of freedom and clarity, allowing us to engage with the world from a place of authentic presence rather than a reactive mind. This shift ultimately leads to more meaningful connections and a radiance of awareness in our daily lives.
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