The Science Delusion: Rethinking the Dogmas of Materialism

The Science Delusion: Rethinking the Dogmas of Materialism

The notion that science comprehensively understands the nature of reality—a perspective often referred to as the “science delusion”—pervades modern society. This belief fosters a rigid worldview that equates scientific understanding with the entire spectrum of existence, leading to misunderstanding and curtailing genuine inquiry. At the heart of this conflict lies the essence of science: a method grounded in reason, evidence, and collective exploration. However, a belief system has emerged that stifles the free thought crucial to scientific progress.

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The Ten Dogmas of Science

In exploring the limitations imposed by contemporary scientific dogma, it is essential to identify the core assumptions that shape prevailing thought. Here are the ten dogmas that form the foundation of the materialist worldview:

  1. Nature is Mechanical: The universe and all of its constituents—including living beings—are considered machines, functioning without purpose or intention.
  2. Matter is Unconscious: The entire universe is composed of inert matter devoid of consciousness. This belief posits that consciousness is a mere byproduct of biological processes.
  3. Fixed Laws of Nature: It is assumed that the laws governing nature are immutable and have remained unchanged since the universe’s inception.
  4. Total Matter and Energy is Constant: The premise holds that the total quantity of matter and energy remains unchanged throughout the cosmos.
  5. Nature is Purposeless: There is an assertion that nature has no inherent purpose, rendering evolutionary processes aimless and directionless.
  6. Material Basis of Heredity: All biological inheritance is strictly material, relegated to genetic and epigenetic factors.
  7. Memory is Physically Stored: The belief that memories are stored as physical traces in the brain shapes the understanding of consciousness and recollection.
  8. Mind is Confined to the Brain: Conventional thought posits that mental activities occur solely within the confines of the brain.
  9. Telepathy is Impossible: Any phenomena suggesting psychic abilities, such as telepathy, are dismissed as illusory.
  10. Mechanistic Medicine is Superior: The prevailing view is that only mechanistic approaches to Medicine yield real and effective results, overlooking alternative therapies.

These dogmas—which dominate educational systems and medical institutions—warrant critical examination. When scrutinized, many of these assumptions prove to be fundamentally flawed.

A New Perspective on the Laws of Nature

A key area ripe for reevaluation is the assumption of fixed natural laws. Traditionally, science held that laws of nature were eternal and unchanging, but the revelation of a dynamic, evolving universe challenges this notion. The metaphor of laws should be reframed to consider the habits of nature. If human laws can evolve, why not the laws of nature? This perspective encourages viewing nature as a collection of habits that can change rather than rigid rules.

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The Nature of Constants

In terms of scientific constants, such as the speed of light, there is evidence to suggest fluctuations over time. An inquiry into historical records indicates that measurements of fundamental constants have changed at different periods, contradicting the idea of their constancy. What if these constants are not absolute but rather subject to variation? This inquiry opens a new avenue for exploration of how environmental factors may influence these figures.

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Redefining Consciousness and Perception

The most profound challenges reside in the realm of consciousness. The question of where our thoughts and experiences reside remains unresolved. Conventional science holds that our experiences are confined to our brains, yet there is evidence suggesting our cognition might extend beyond that physical boundary. The capacity to sense external stimuli, such as the feeling of being observed, implies a far more intricate relationship between our minds and the environment.


The ten dogmas of contemporary science restrict our understanding and exploration of the universe. Questioning these fundamental assumptions may not only rejuvenate scientific inquiry but also may lead to groundbreaking discoveries and a reimagined relationship with nature and consciousness. Only by liberating science from the constraints of dogmatic thinking can we unlock its true potential and foster a renaissance of understanding that is both enlightening and transformative.

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