(By Dr. Ihaleaka Hew Len) So, I’m going to show you how it works as you apply your own identity. So, first of all, in the beginning, there was nothing. So, the world was not ever here at some point in the beginning. So, for whatever reason, and I don’t know the reasons, the light showed up. It’s called the “I am.” Like so, this part of you, and it’s you, it’s in you already. This part of you is the creative part of your being. The creative part, this is the creative part, this is the creator. Okay, this part of you also is that part of you which provides the inspiration or the perfect information for existence. I’m just kind of pointing out to you who you are.
Understanding the power of self-transformation and purification
And then this part of the view is a part that can erase the information, any memories replaying. Okay, so that’s the part you’re going to appeal to. This is the part in you, it’s in you, it’s not out there someplace, it’s in you. And then this part of you created you. So, I’m gonna draw you as a being.
And so, there’s a part of you called a super conscious, supersede, okay? And there’s another part of you called the conscious mind. And then another part of you called the subconscious. And for what the Hawaiians call here, the Almakura [Music]. Um, and I’m sorry, the back of you cannot read it. And if at some point, maybe you, when we take another break or go for lunch, you can come up here and take a look at it. And this part of here is called uhani, oh honey. This part of you, called it Peely, but we’re going to clear hang around with the subconscious.

So now, when something comes up, it’s in the computer bank. There’s a memory in the computer bank that the computer is experiencing, called anger, resentment, annoyance. But you have to be clear, it’s the memory that’s the cause of it. If you have heart hypertension, that’s not the problem. You’ve got to come back to the memory, which is the cause of that. So, you always want to come back to whatever is going on in you, and it’s in the subconscious.
Now, this subconscious in you feels unloved, uncared for, and unappreciated. So, I’m going to teach you how to form the relationship with this part of you called the inner child, so that you can work with it. Because if you can get this part of you to help you with the cleaning, um, you’ll be able to move through the data much faster. But, this is the part that we ignore, yeah.
Now, this part of us called the conscious mind has a choice. The choice is to be or not to be data-free. That’s the choice. You’ve come into this lifetime because Divinity says, “I’m going to give you one more chance because you’ve got all this data replaying, all these problems, but you’ve had those problems before.” What Shakespeare calls forbemoan and grievances were gone. You’ve had them before. Since you didn’t pay them off the last time, whatever the last time is, if any of these loves you enough to say, “Okay, let me give you another chance.” Now, I don’t know how many chances we’ve had, but I suspect for me it’s probably been trillions, yeah, come back. And I can come back, and at some point, you kind of get a stiff neck as you come back. And you come
back, and you got to give up. You have to give up the data. What the great sage said, “Give up the world.” So, the world is the data called memory, and it’s in you. So, where is the problem? It’s a memory. Where is the problem in you? The subconscious, which is a computer bank.
And then, now the conscious mind has a choice. It can stay engaged. This is called engagement. Or it can let go. Okay, so now let’s assume the conscious mind wants to let go. He says, “Wow, maybe I’ll try some of this stuff. Maybe there’s some… we’ll see. I’ll test it out.”
So now what you say is, you begin the process of, let’s say, let’s keep it simple, “I love you.” All you do is say, “I love you.” And the great sages have said, “Love your enemies.” And that’s your only enemy, is there. Love that part of you that wants to kill you and do you in. That part of you will kill you, will foreclose on your soul. And the soul, being the consciousness of God, this is your soul.
So, my question is, whether you want your soul to be free. And so, let’s say you decide to say, “I love you.” And so, here’s the way it will work. It’s beautiful. The simplicity of it is just incredible. So, you say, “I love you.” The information goes down. For us, it always goes down. The subconscious. The conscious mind cannot pray directly to the… to the “I.” It can’t be done. It has to go down.
And so, why does it go down? Because that’s where the problem is. So, it goes down and gently, this… the zillions of data begins to gently kind of puff up like that. And then that data is sent then to the super conscious. So, in this data, sent on to take a look at it. And this part of you goes and begins the refinement of the data. You don’t have to know it. I’m just telling you how it works. It doesn’t matter. Just say, “I love you.” It’s all you need. You don’t need the rest of this, but I thought, “Well, I better throw that in there anyway because there’s some, maybe, we have intellects who would like to grab it, you know?”
Okay, so it goes up there. And then the great sage said, “Knock. Hello. I got a problem.” Um, “I noticed that uh, stuff is in me, is going, and I have high blood pressure, diabetes, back problems.” So, you’re mentioning your experience, but this is the data that you want to get at. So now, this party even said, “Okay, oh, you’re going to be 100% responsible. Wow, let’s see what we can do.”
Mana Energy
So, this is called… This is called Mana. The Mana is going to come down. The Mana, this is the Mana that’s going to erase. So, the Mana comes down to the super conscious. That’s the way it works. Comes down to the conscious mind and then comes down into this and begins to dismantle this, and this is the way it looks.
So, the Mana comes down, takes the memory and purifies the memory. That’s the first step. It will purify it. This is the divinity doing its work. I’m transforming, I’m transmuting the data called memory. I’m going to take that data, which is energy, transforming, transmuting the data called memory. I’m going to take that data, which is energy, and I’m going to purify it. So, the Mana comes down and purifies the memory. And then it goes back up. It goes back up to the super conscious, and the super conscious takes a look at it and says, “Okay, what’s left?” And then it purifies it even more. And then it goes back up again. It goes back up to the super conscious, and the super conscious takes a look at it and says, “Okay, what’s left?” And then it purifies it even more.
And this process continues, going back and forth, back and forth, until the memory is completely purified. And when the memory is completely purified, it no longer has any charge. It no longer has any power over you. It’s like taking a thorn out of your foot. Once the thorn is removed, there’s no more pain. So, the memory is purified, and it’s no longer affecting you in a negative way.
And this is how the cleaning process works. It’s a process of self-love, self-forgiveness, and self-transformation. By saying, “I love you,” you’re expressing love to that part of you that is holding onto the memories and causing you pain. And through this expression of love, the memories are purified and released.
So, this is the process you can engage in. You can start practicing self-love and self-forgiveness by saying, “I love you” to yourself and allowing the divinity within you to purify the memories and free you from their negative influence. It’s a powerful and transformative practice that can bring healing and liberation to your life.
Remember, you are the creator of your reality, and by engaging with this cleaning process, you can take responsibility for your experiences and transform them for the better. Embrace the power within you and start the journey of self-transformation through self-love and self-forgiveness.
- Dr. Ihaleaka Hew Len explains how the process works by applying your own identity.
- Initially, there was nothing, and then the light, called the “I am,” appeared as the creative part of your being.
- This creative part provides inspiration and perfect information for existence.
- This part can also erase information and memories.
- To appeal to this part, you need to form a relationship with your inner child.
- The conscious mind has the choice to be data-free or engaged with memories.
- Divinity gives you another chance to clear the replaying problems and data.
- You must give up the data and love the part of you that wants to harm you.
- By saying “I love you,” the information goes down to the subconscious, where the problem lies.
- The subconscious begins refining the data, which is then sent to the super conscious.
- Mana (divine power) comes down to the conscious mind and dismantles the memory.
- The memory is purified and transformed into pure energy.
- The energy is released back to zero and inspires you.
- The three kinds of data are neutral (zero), inspired (easy), and memory (away from the source).
- Your mind can only be in one of these three states.
- By doing the cleaning process, saying “I love you” and breathing, you can move towards the neutral state and allow Divinity to flow through you.
- The goal is to be data-free and in the flow with ease.
Note by Dr Joe Vitale
Maybe you’ve heard of it maybe you Haven’t if you haven’t heard of it brace Yourself because it’s the most powerful The most transformational the most Magical the most miraculous technique I’ve ever come across I’m Dr Joe Vitale I’ve written 80 books I’ve recorded 15 Albums I have 200 some products I have a Coaching program certification programs But nothing ever has had the impact in My life as Hooponopono has I’ve been teaching it to other people Since around 2005. there is great depth To it though it’s very simple on the Very superficial level there’s really Only four phrases and you’re kind of Saying them as a Quiet prayer or petition But there’s so much more to it than that And what I really want you to do is Check it out I want you to check it out For you your family your friends and Ultimately for the world it’s that Powerful and as I like to say Expect miracles.