Ho’oponopono to Attract Money and Abundance

Ho’oponopono to Attract Money and Abundance

How can we attract Money with something like Ho’oponopono? Well, first of all, we have to remember that divinity is also in money.
We have many false programs, memories, or beliefs about money and most of them imply that there is something wrong with money.
But, there is really nothing wrong with money. So the first thing we have to do is release all those memories or programs that we consciously or unconsciously decide to believe.

Instead of all those beliefs that block us, we can choose to think about money as our ally, our friend, and love it like that, as a good friend, feel happy thinking about it as much as when the best of your friends visits you.

Attract Money

How to attract money with Ho’oponopono?

Attracting money must be linked to doing what you love. When you do what you love, money can come easily, instead of working just for money without satisfaction, without that smile in the soul.

One of the wrong beliefs we have is that we were taught to work for money, just to get it. However, we should set our sights on what we love to do, What is that you would do even if they didn’t pay you?. That’s where we open the doors for money to come in, because when you do what you love, money always comes, money loves to follow love.

Check the Post: “Dr Hew Len Inner Child Meditation”

Let’s see this through a story:

The tale of the three old men

There were three old men who looked like they were hungry. Then a woman approaches and tells them please come to my house that I am going to feed you. And the old men answer: “Is the lord of the house in the house?” and she says “no, my husband is working right now”. The old men reply: “oh well, then we can’t come in, but when your husband comes back, ask him and we’ll gladly go in”.

When the husband arrives, she tells him everything that had happened, and the husband replies: “Of course my dear, invite them and they can have dinner with us.”

When she leaves, one of the old men says: “Well look, my name is Love, his name is Riqueza and his name is Success and we never go together, so you have to ask your husband which one he wants to invite.”

Well, she returns home, explains to her husband, and he says “it would be fine if we invited Wealth”, and she says “Do you think? It will not be better to invite Success? Because with success everything is very complete right? “. At that moment, the daughter who was listening nearby says: “Why we don’t invite love and fill the whole house with love.” So they decide to listen to their daughter and invite Love.

The lady comes out and asks the old men: “Who of you is love?” Love raises her hand and she tells him to please follow her ’cause he is invited to dinner. But when they start to walk, she notices that the three of them come, and then she asks them: “How is this possible? If you told me that you never come together?”. And they answer: “oh well, if you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two would have stayed outside, but since you have invited Love, wherever Love goes, we will go too.”

I invite you to call Love, to put Love first, because when we call Love, money comes. Find your passion, what you would do no matter what, only because you love it. Start helping others with that passion that you have and the Universe will be in charge of opening the doors for you so that everything you need comes to you.

Seek Love and your joy first, and the money comes. Release the ties of the past and realize the present.

joy and love to attract money

How to Attract Money, Abundance, and Prosperity with the Hawaiian Ho’oponopono Technique

Repeat the keywords that will help you clear everything that is stored in your unconscious and that is preventing abundance and prosperity from reaching you more fluidly.
These memories stored in your subconscious are false belief patterns about prosperity that have been creeping up from the entire line of your ancestors.
Let us begin:
I ask the divinity that lives in me to please cleanse in me what is contributing to my scarcity, to cleanse those false beliefs that are blocking prosperity in my life.

I love you
Please forgive me
Thank you

I love you
Please forgive me
Thank you

I love you
Please forgive me
Thank you


Imagine that prosperity is like the rain that is falling towards you.

I love you
Please forgive me
Thank you


I love you
Please forgive me
Thank you



I love you
Please forgive me
Thank you


Feel it in your hands, in your whole being, abundance spills into your whole being, abundance falls to you in the form of a drizzle



I love you
Please forgive me
Thank you

I love you
Please forgive me
Thank you

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you


With love,
Stela Ahau

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PS. Join Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len in this best-selling Ho’oponopono Certification at 90% off discount only available here: Certification Program

If you’re looking for an advanced certification program look here (exclusive 90% discount): Advanced Program

–> healing the inner child with Ho’oponopono here: Heart of AngelĀ 
–> How to combine Ho’oponopono and Law of Attraction in 10 minutes: The Result
–> Inner Child Meditation: Dr. Joe Vitale’s Inner Child Meditation
—> A profound Cleaning Tool: Ho’oponopono Deep Cleaning Meditation

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