When you practice Ho’oponopono, you are applying the two fundamental concepts of the Law of Least Effort: Acceptance and Responsibility. Everything that comes into your life is not by chance, you are vibrational energy and you are attracting the experiences you face at all times. All the painful memories of the past and the limiting beliefs that you have inherited from your parents, your family or society are stored in your subconscious, preventing your true self from emerging, ho’oponopono acts on these memories and programs, cleaning and erasing everything that that does not serve us, helping us to situate ourselves in the present moment.
When you practice ho’oponopono you don’t need to know what memories you are erasing, the important thing is to do it constantly so that your reality changes little by little, because when you heal, your reality also heals, and along with it heals your environment, that is, all the people who are included in your life. Ho’oponopono and the law of least effort.
Ho’oponopono tells us that human suffering is influenced by painful memories of the past, which are repeated over and over again in your present, ho’oponopono is a healing tool, a path of liberation, which allows us to increase our vibration, leaving behind the painful thoughts that cause imbalance and disease.
Every time you use the trigger words thank you or I love you, you are allowing your inner being to erase everything that blocks your present, both gratitude and love have very high vibrations that connect us with the depth of our being and with the universe. Ho’oponopono tells us that human suffering is influenced by painful memories of the past, which are repeated over and over again in your present.
The law of minimum effort consists of two fundamental concepts, the first is acceptance, which consists of accepting the present moment as it is, without resistance, without struggle. Accepting does not mean resigning, resignation leads to suffering and makes us slaves of a situation in which new paths are not sought. Acceptance is looking for the easiest path, if something does not work it is because I am swimming against the current, so I must consult with my heart which is the path that will make me happy, and following the direction of love allows you to see that what exists in your reality is nothing more than a sequel to past choices, which you can change right now only by stopping fighting against what is not.
The second concept is responsibility, being responsible for our lives gives us the opportunity to take control of our experiences and realize that every situation that happens to us has been created by us, even if the problem is with another person, there will always be something that you can work on since it is your memories or programs that generate the rejection of the attitude or position of another being, 100% Responsible is assuming that we have the ability to change our lives and become the people we always wanted to be. We send you a warm hug and blessings, I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, Ceeport
PS. Join Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len in this best-selling Ho’oponopono Certification at 90% off discount only available here: Certification Program
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