Dr. Joe Vitale – How To Fool The Mind For Guaranteed Success

Dr. Joe Vitale – How To Fool The Mind For Guaranteed Success
(By Dr Joe Vitale) Neville Goddard’s big claim to fame is he kind of taught an advanced visualization technique, some people will say to get what you want to manifest your goals sit here and visualize, visualize it coming to you, visualize it being accomplished but Neville went one step further, he said imagine it’s already done.
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The brain doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagined reality “Nevelizing” is when you get into the experience of already having the very thing you say you want to have, do, or be. In fact, imagine it was done yesterday and so you’re a day past your manifestation, what does it feel like to already have the thing that you were longing for? feel it real, you feel as if it’s already done.
If you assume that the desire you want is already done you no longer have a desire or a want for it you have the concrete holographic kind of physical experience of it being already complete and this sends a very different message to the brain, now the brain goes “oh we have to manufacture that because he already believes it’s real”.
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This is in the direction of “Nevelizing” and then, from a scientific standpoint, we’re using the loophole of the brain to create a reality that doesn’t quite exist yet by fooling the mind.

Expect Miracles!

Dr. Joe
P.S. – I want you to have, do, and be everything you desire! YOU deserve it and YOU are loved! Joe Vitale

Dr. Joe Vitale – Law of Attraction – How To Fool The Mind For Guaranteed Success. Law of Attraction tips and tricks from star of The Secret Dr. Joe Vitale.

Online Course Law of Attraction certification: http://zeropointawakening.com/loacertified

Work with Dr. Joe Vitale as your Mentor: http://zeropointawakening.com/awakenedprogram

If you love the hit movie, The Secret and want to know more about how to use The Law of Attraction to create your best life…you’ll love Dr. Joe Vitale.

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