Is Ho’oponopono effective in physical healing? Dr. Hew Len has been clear about that Ho’oponopono is not a quick recipe, and that we have to be detached from any specific results. However, there are a lot of testimonies about how Ho’oponopono helps in physical healing.
So here I want to share with you my experience with that and what works for me. In my personal case, sometimes I have to deal with pain in my menstrual period, it is a sharp pain and it is difficult to concentrate in that state, but what I do is that I try to just feel what of the four phrases is the one is needed, so instead of just start to say the four phrases, I just connect with the one at a time that I feel is the right one for the moment. It is like a profound meditation and a tracking job, you have to feel what works better at that moment.
I want to tell you that in this type of case when pain is present the best phrase that works for me is The Fifth Phrase of Ho’oponopono: “I forgive myself”. Maybe is because pain is associated with guilt, some kind of subconscious punishment program that is causing all that pain experience.
When I first knew about that fifth phrase, it was uncomfortable for me, but maybe it was the one I needed more. And as I said in this case of pain or physical illness is the more effective for me.
Also, I have used this method with other persons for example with my husband who sometimes suffers from anxiety or pain, I do the same, connect and track for the phrase needed at that moment. And we have experienced really good results, the pain disappears, the anxiety is gone, the headache was gone… etc.
In the next post, I will give you some more tips to be more effective with Ho’oponopono healing for physical, emotional, or any kind of problem, with you and with others, based on my experience with my clients and students.
Thank you for reading and Peace for you from my heart.
Stela Ahau
PS. Join Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len in this best-selling Ho’oponopono Certification at 90% off discount only available here: Certification Program
If you’re looking for an advanced certification program look here (exclusive 90% discount): Advanced Program
Ho’oponopono Free Resources that may help you:
- What is Ho’oponopono? – History and Steps
- What is Mana Energy in Ho’oponopono and how you can use it.
- The importance to connect with your Inner Child in Ho’oponopono
- Dr. Hew Len Inner Child Meditation
- Ho’oponopono to attract Money
- Dr Hew Len Talks about being 100% responsible
PS. Please Enjoy this Healing Video I’m sure I will help.
Healing energy of meditation and visualization
This visualization video contains hundreds of subliminal messages to boost your spiritual and physical body.