Gregg Braden – Who is ReWriting the History of our Civilization and Why?

Gregg Braden – Who is ReWriting the History of our Civilization and Why?

There is an effort to rewrite the history of our civilization to rewrite the history of our nations, there is an effort to create a narrative that supports an agenda that is driving us toward the world that is the product of the thinking of a handful of people, all right, and I’m not going to comment on that right now, but I’m making a point when you rewrite the history how can we learn the lessons from the suffering of our past, how can we prevent ourselves from making mistakes again if we’re not honest with ourselves about the history?

And there are a lot of places in history that are absolutely horrible they are frightening they are staggeringly frightening they’re unthinkable the holocaust, for example, it is a fact it did happen it can’t be denied the evidence is overwhelming for what happened and that holocaust is not the only holocaust there are holocausts happening today that are not being carried in the mainstream they don’t want to talk about it it is not obviously on the same magnitude but it is happening and the reason but this information is not being shared is because there are a handful of people in positions of power that are trying to shift the story.

About the prophecies and war, there are people that give the dates for those wars and many people are asking me about those prophecies I’m not going to address the questions specifically because they’re all asking the same thing and the question is: do they have to come to fruition?

We talk about prophecies what a prophecy is an individual using deep intuition to peer into the timeline of space and time into a future date the key is that timeline is looking in a linear fashion it’s looking from this moment in time where we are right now looking down the road of time or down the road of space to another possibility what the prophecies rarely take into account is the bifurcation that is possible in space-time and what I mean by that is if nothing changes between the moment of the prophecy and when that prophecy unfolds.

If nothing changed between Nostradamus looking at the year 2500 and the year itself if nothing changed then what he saw is very possible but we are beings of choice some people talk about free will and the free will has a whole new meaning when we talk about quantum possibilities so I’m going to talk about choice.

We always have a choice and even if it’s not the best choice a little choice it can be enough to bifurcate and shift that timeline, so that it goes into a new possibility new potential and the the prophecies talk to us about that the hopi prophecy some of you have asked about that for example on the on what’s called prophecy rock on the hopi mesa and I’ve written about this in some of my previous books, show two parallel timelines one timeline the individuals the humans are bent over with a cane indicating they live to old age their stalks of corn that are growing and interestingly the timeline continues to the edge of the rock face and then it goes around the rock and continue it keeps going it’s a long timeline.

There’s another timeline that shows the people with their heads separate from their bodies and with the hopi elders that I’ve spoken with what they say is it means people they don’t know themselves they’re not attached to their to their heads it is a rough road that’s not a smooth road like the other one there is no corn growing people’s heads are separate and it ends abruptly it’s the road that goes nowhere we are at a choice point where we are choosing which of those roads we’re going to follow from some perspectives uh the belief is that we’ve already passed the choice point yet we still always have choice all right?.

Episode 6 of Gregg Braden’s Q & A Series, and in this episode Gregg covers the following topics:

1. Intro

2. Situation in Ukraine

3. Who is Re-Writing the History of Our Civilization and Why?

4. Audience Question: Can 1% of population within a given community bring about positive changes through coherence, calm and state of peace?

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