Recover the relationship with your Inner Child

Recover the relationship with your Inner Child

Do you remember when you were a kid?. Daily appeared to be an adventured full of giggling and also laughs. There was humor all around us. Kids laugh 400 times…

Dr Hew Len Inner Child Meditation

Dr Hew Len Inner Child Meditation

Here we have a compilation of the Dr. Hew Len Inner Child Meditation used as a main practice in Ho’oponopono Technique. But first let’s give an introduction to the Unihipilli…

The Importance of Inner Child Connection in Ho’oponopono

The Importance of Inner Child Connection in Ho’oponopono

The inner child in Ho’oponopono can be thought of as the subconscious mind or “Unihipili”, this part of ourselves is more primitive but very powerful, and can be influenced by…

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