How to clean the data of Disease

How to clean the data of Disease

may have stumbled upon this blog post because you were intrigued by the conversation above between Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and a curious interviewer. The conversation touches on the concept of intention and the power of cleaning within oneself. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the practice of cleaning and how it can transform our lives.

What is Cleaning?

Cleaning, as described by Dr. Hew Len, is a spiritual practice that involves taking responsibility for one’s experiences and healing oneself. It is not about changing the external circumstances but changing the internal experience. Cleaning requires us to look within ourselves and take ownership of our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

How Does Cleaning Work?

Cleaning works by acknowledging and taking responsibility for our negative thoughts and emotions. By doing this, we can begin to release them and replace them with positive ones. The practice of cleaning helps us to clear the negative energy that we may be carrying within ourselves, allowing us to become more aligned with the divine.


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The Benefits of Cleaning

The benefits of cleaning are numerous. When we practice cleaning, we can experience:

  • Increased inner peace
  • Greater clarity of thought
  • Improved relationships
  • More positive emotions
  • Heightened creativity and intuition

Cleaning can also help to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. By releasing negative thoughts and emotions, we can experience a greater sense of well-being.

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Techniques for Practicing Cleaning

There are several techniques for practicing cleaning. Here are some of the most effective:

  1. Ho’oponopono: This is a Hawaiian practice that involves repeating the phrase “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you” as a way of cleaning and releasing negative energy.
  2. Meditation: Meditation can help us to quiet our minds and become more aware of our thoughts and emotions. By observing our thoughts without judgment, we can begin to release negative energy and replace it with positive energy.
  3. Journaling: Writing down our thoughts and emotions can help us to become more aware of them. By journaling, we can begin to release negative energy and replace it with positive energy.
  4. Gratitude: Practicing gratitude can help us to shift our focus from negative thoughts to positive thoughts. By expressing gratitude for the good things in our lives, we can begin to attract more positive energy.


In conclusion, cleaning is a powerful spiritual practice that can transform our lives. By taking responsibility for our thoughts and emotions, we can release negative energy and become more aligned with the divine. The practice of cleaning can help us to experience greater peace, clarity, and well-being. If you’re interested in practicing cleaning, try out some of the techniques listed above and see how they work for you. Remember, cleaning is a practice, and it takes time and effort to see the benefits. So be patient with yourself and keep at it!


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–> How to combine Ho’oponopono and Law of Attraction in 10 minutes: The Result
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