Today we will focus on the effect and caretaking of vaccination before during and after, as well as the dealing with what we call the long haul of pose viral infection syndrome.
As you know, the major viral infection is due to inflammation, as well as other aspects, so-called the long-haul effect of people who have mild or even asymptomatic viral infection is a long-lasting effect.
They have kind of a foggy brain and some feel this excessive tiredness shortness of breath. What we want to deal with fundamentally is how to decrease the inflammatory aspect as well as how to take care of ourselves to prepare for the vaccination.
It is crucial that you should get vaccinated. It will protect you almost 100 percent from the serious deadly effects of the virus infection, so we will deal with three aspects of the. What I call caretaking one is food.
Three aspects of caretaking
1. Food
What food should you eat before, during, and after the vaccine, and also for the long haul or the long pose viral infection symptoms? What food you should be aware of for vaccination, the food that you should really try to avoid is inflammatory component and the major aspect is it called alcohol, do not drink alcohol before during and at least two weeks after the vaccination, as well as other commonly infected Seafood like raw oysters or sushi, you should refrain from eating that kind of food until you have well past vaccination again, the rule of thumb is two weeks after vaccination.
In terms of the long haul, you should pay attention to that as well, that you should refrain from eating food that can induce an inflammatory reaction. Like raw seafood and alcohol, you should limit decrease your alcohol consumption.
If you have those post-infection symptoms until you can heal those syndromes that you should really refrain from ingesting and protecting alcohol and raw oysters and another form of raw seafoods, then the second aspect of the workshop.
We will focus on what is a good food to take that helps to reduce inflammation and is one of the major anti-inflammatory herbs. The Chinese use is called ginger. The ginger not only helps to be anti-viral anti-bacterial, but also a wonderful way to reduce inflammation, and in the workshop i will show you some basic recipes of using ginger.
The second is a form of tea, which is the Santa Monica tea, and this is the chrysanthemum flower and let me show you closer to the sea and you could buy it from amazon or most Chinese grocery stores, and you just take maybe five blossoms and Put it in your teacup and let it brew whatever tea you want to use.
You want to use decaffeinated, green tea, green tea, or my favorite, the Chinese fermented tea called pollet or power p-u-e-r-h again, they are readily available to be purchased online from amazon.
I do not own or ever will amazon stocks, so just want you to know that we will look at a whole recipe of herbs and food that could help us, reduce the inflammation and give us energy.
2. Self Healing
The second component is what I call self-healing one of the most effective self-healing, as I am trained as an oriental Medicine doctor in china is scraping.
You get a small Chinese ceramic spoon and you gently with the meridian scrape different aspects of the meridian. Of course, we will have more specific topics on how to help to reduce inflammation, what specific, meridian that we should pick in order to be very effective and that facious self-healing, and then finally.
3. Meditation and QiGong
the third component is meditation and qigong.
That is very incredibly effective. Qigong helps us to reduce the inflammation and also to release and demon and holding of the water and releasing it and that particular qigong is very simple.
For example, one of the qigong called six healing sounds the lung healing sound of drawing the bowl. How to activate our anti-inflammatory function of the lung and we will go into detail so three components: one is what not to eat.
Two is what to eat. Three is self-care and which have two-part. One is self-healing with a massage trainer and wasa scripting, and the second aspect is, of course, the qigong and meditation.
As we approach the full recovery of our life, we have lost one year of our life in this viral war, and now we are near the finishing line of victory. Protect yourself in public, wear, masks, keep social distancing and then follow the guideline.
If you vaccinated when you stay safe, may you stay healthy when you feel the healing spontaneously within you.
Recommended Book
Qigong Empowerment is the most unique and complete volume ever written in the English language on qigong (Chi Kung). This volume can be used for attaining better health, for healing, for gaining extraordinary power, and for spiritual development. This volume consists of five books which covers: – Traditional Chinese Medical theories and qi cultivation methods. – Taoist methods to foster Essence, Qi, and Spirit. – Buddhist Esoteric Abilities of the Body, Speech, and Mind. – Emitting, Absorbing, and Healing Qigong. – Wushu (martial arts) Iron Shirt training. Qigong (Chi Kung) has been an integral part of Chinese culture since ancient China. High level qigong masters have always been respected and held in high esteem in Chinese society. Qi is a Chinese term used to refer to all types of energy. It is the intrinsic substance or the vital force behind all things in the universe. It is the medium between and within all material substances. We are all immersed in it. The term gong refers to the power to produce an effect, an attainment of, or an accomplishment that is achieved with steady practice. Loosely, qigong can be translated as the attainment of qi. Healers and the medical society use qigong for healing and preventing illness. Martial artists use qigong for developing incredible strength and abilities. Others use qigong to attain a greater consciousness.