Are you looking for ways to help your kids learn how to manage their emotions and be better problem solvers? Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice that teaches children the power of forgiveness and gratitude. In this blog post, we’ll share five tips to help you teach ho’oponopono to kids.
1. Explain Ho’oponopono to Kids
Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. It is based on the belief that we are all connected to each other and responsible for our own actions. When we make mistakes, we must take responsibility for them and strive to make corrections. This is where the fourth step of Ho’oponopono comes in – “correction”.
Explaining correction to kids can be tricky, as it involves understanding responsibility, accountability, and cause and effect. To make this concept more tangible, it helps to give examples of how mistakes can be corrected. For instance, if a child spills something on the floor, they can correct the mistake by cleaning it up. If they forget their homework at school, they can correct the mistake by bringing it home the next day.
It’s important for kids to understand that when we make mistakes, we have the power to correct them. By learning the power of correction, kids can develop a strong sense of responsibility and accountability for their actions.
Teach Kids the Four Steps of Ho’oponopono
When teaching kids the four steps of Ho’oponopono, it’s important to keep it simple. You can explain that the first step is to say, “I’m sorry.” This is an acknowledgment of any wrongs you may have done and an apology for how you may have acted. The second step is to ask for forgiveness. This shows that you recognize the impact of your actions and want to make amends. The third step is to express gratitude for the opportunity to learn from the experience. The fourth step is to show love for both yourself and others. This teaches kids that even in difficult moments, it’s important to still be kind and loving.
Help Kids Connect with Their Inner Wisdom
Ho’oponopono is all about learning to connect with our inner wisdom. To help kids connect with their inner wisdom, it is important to encourage them to take time for reflection and contemplation. Encourage your kids to take a few moments each day to sit quietly and observe their thoughts and feelings. This will help them learn to listen to their intuition, which is their inner wisdom. Invite your kids to ask themselves questions like “What do I need right now?” or “How can I best handle this situation?” Additionally, you can help your kids learn to recognize when they are feeling overwhelmed or anxious by teaching them how to identify their emotions. This will help them better understand how they are feeling and why they are feeling that way, allowing them to tap into their inner wisdom and make wise decisions. Finally, remind your kids that it’s ok to make mistakes and that mistakes help us learn and grow. This will help them feel more comfortable with taking risks and trying out new things, as well as trusting their inner wisdom.

Explain the Power of Forgiveness and Gratitude
Forgiveness and gratitude are two of the main tenets of ho’oponopono. Teaching kids the power of forgiveness opens their hearts to see the beauty in the world. Teaching them to express gratitude for the blessings in their lives helps them to be more aware of their blessings and to appreciate them more. Explain to your children that when we forgive, we don’t forget what happened, we just choose to let go of any hurt or resentment. Show them examples of how forgiveness can help us move on with our lives and be happier. Teach your children that gratitude is about appreciating what we have and being thankful for it. Show them how expressing gratitude can bring more joy into our lives.
Make Practicing Ho’oponopono Fun for Kids
Practicing ho’oponopono with kids doesn’t have to be a chore – in fact, it can be a lot of fun! Start by making a game out of it. Create a chart and hang it on the wall, and have your kids mark off each time they practice ho’oponopono. This will help them stay motivated and have fun while learning the practice. You can also set up a reward system that incentivizes them to keep practicing. For example, if they practice for a week, they can get a small reward like a treat or a special activity.
You can also make ho’oponopono more interactive by practicing with your kids. Have them take the lead and ask them questions about how they can use the four steps to make corrections. This will help them practice their problem-solving skills while having fun. Finally, you can also try using storytelling as a way to teach ho’oponopono to your kids. Tell stories about how people used the four steps of ho’oponopono to heal and make corrections. This will help your kids understand how powerful and effective this practice can be.
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice that has been practiced for centuries. It is a powerful tool for helping children learn the importance of self-awareness, respect, and problem-solving. By teaching your child how to practice ho’oponopono, you are helping them develop the skills they need to be successful in life. With these five tips, you can easily introduce ho’oponopono to your kids and help them live a happier, more fulfilling life.
PS. Join Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len in this best-selling Ho’oponopono Certification at 90% off discount only available here: Certification Program
If you’re looking for an advanced certification program look here (exclusive 90% discount): Advanced Program