💫🔥🔥Twin Flame – What was your Past Life story and connection?

💫🔥🔥Twin Flame – What was your Past Life story and connection?

A pick-a-card reading on your past life story and connection for Twin Flames, Soulmates and karmics using the Royo deck and charms. Take what resonates, leave the rest. Timestamps: 1.pink…

Dr Hew Len Talks about the Purpose of Life and Ceeport meaning

Dr Hew Len Talks about the Purpose of Life and Ceeport meaning

Dr. Hew Len: Always getting it from the Divine, you’re not getting it from a Guru, or a master, or a medical doctor, you’re looking directly to God, you’re saying…

Heart – Brain Coherence. The key to know the meaning to be human

Heart – Brain Coherence. The key to know the meaning to be human

In this post, we are gonna see how we are the only living being that has the capacity to create coherence between our brain and heart and do it by…

A Comparison of Triple Angel Numbers Meaning, Should We Pay Attention to Them?

A Comparison of Triple Angel Numbers Meaning, Should We Pay Attention to Them?

The first time I heard about triple numbers was in a book from Drunvalo Melchizedek, a respected sacred geometry researcher, in that book he was talking about an important mission…

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