Powerful Prayers for Forgiveness 

Powerful Prayers for Forgiveness 

In this post we present some of the most powerful prayers for forgiveness, the first one we have here is based on Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness and apologizing, the core of the practice is a prayer of four common phrases that will change your life if you apply them diary.

Powerful Prayer for Forgiveness Simplified:

I love you

I’m sorry

Please Forgive me

Thank you

prayer for forgiveness

It will make changes in your diary life, it will heal your mental-emotional body, also has an effect in your environment and even to your ancestors, it will heal your relationships and will reduce your stress and improve your physical health and all this is possible because it clears all the unwanted data from your subconscious mind.

Listen to this 108 mantra powerful prayer for forgiveness with ho’oponopono:

Cleansing Prayer by Morrnah Simeona

Also, you can use the long version of this prayer, which was taught by Morrnah Simeona:

The following is reputedly a very powerful cleansing prayer by the Hawaiian Shaman Morrnah Simeona. The intention of the prayer is to cleanse any blocks and resistances (known and unknown) that are holding us back from manifesting the life that we want. It is for clearing away and transmuting all negative energies to make way for positive inspiration and manifestation. This prayer is known to have great healing power.

Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Son as One,

If I, my family, relatives, and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives, and ancestors in thoughts, words, or actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness. Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies, and vibrations, and transmute these unwanted energies into pure Light.

And so it is done!



Please listen to this prayer for at least 21 consecutive days (better if you can listen for 30 consecutive days) and see the miraculous changes in your life. You can use this for clearing away all known and unknown blocks. 

Listening with headphones is recommended.

Ho’oponopono Technique – The History and Steps

Ho’oponopono Prayer for Forgiveness Song:

I, I’m sorry, Please Forgive Me

I’m sorry, Please Forgive Me

I’m sorry, Please Forgive Me

Thank you, I love You

To you Divine Creator

To Family and Friends

To you revered ancestors

If I had offended you

I, I’m sorry, Please Forgive Me

I’m sorry, Please Forgive Me

I’m sorry, Please Forgive Me

Thank you, I love You

Thorough all time and creation

I ask your forgiveness

For word thought and actions

that had offended you

I, I’m sorry, Please Forgive Me

I’m sorry, Please Forgive Me

I’m sorry, Please Forgive Me

Thank you, I love You

Hooponopono Certification Program Discount Dr Joe Vitale

Dr Hew Len Inner Child Meditation

Huna Prayer for Forgiveness

Also on the Huna Philosophy according to Max Freedom Long a prayer for forgiveness has to have four principles: Repentance, Reparation, Balance, and Gratefulness and this is an example of Huna Prayer for forgiveness with all these four principles implied:

If I have hurt someone today

With thought or word or deed,

Or failed another in his need,

I now repent.

If I can take those steps again,

Tomorrow will I make amends

And heal with love those hurts.

I do this pledge.

And if a hurt has struck me deep

And no amends are made,

I ask the light to balance all.

I count the debt as paid.

Parental Spirits whom I love,

And who I know love me,

Reach through the door I open wide.

Make clear my path to Thee.

Hooponopono Dr Vitale Joe Vitoli Advanced course certification

Used correctly, Ho’oponopono removes the blocks that have existed in lives awakening those to a clean slate to paint their futures as they desire. The result is the Eternal Happiness, this ancient tradition gifts us with.
Made famous by the legendary Dr. Hew Len and Dr. Joe Vitale, through their best-selling book Zero Limits, Ho’oponopono allows you to accomplish what some call impossible: peace, joy, and harmony with every breath. And while other programs teach this technique, nothing can compare to the rare certification sessions from Dr. Hew Len and Dr. Joe Vitale.

In addition, when certified, not only will a transformation occur, but also the ability to help others with the technique, personally certified by Dr. Joe Vitale, allowing to improve any coaching or healing practice or the opportunity to create a new stream of enlightened, heart-centered business.
Join Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len in this best-selling Ho’oponopono Certification at 90% off discount only available here:

PS If you’re looking for an advanced certification program look here: http://advancedhooponopono.zeropointawakening.com/

healing the inner child with Ho’oponopono here:

hooponopono dr hew len Inner Child meditation


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