Martial arts / Qigong master John Alton talks about using qigong to heal an arm injury incurred in sports competition. Part of a cable access documentary on self-healing.
My name is Jonathan, I’m currently the owner and chief instructor of three emperors today school. We call it come food, but I’ve heard call it Chinese, physical, health and culture, primarily because I teach martial arts not so much in the typical way.
One might think to fight it up people, but to this healing exercises people using this physical fitness and even higher kinds of fitness. That is – and this is all based on the ancient discipline of Chinese chi gong, which is the great great granddaddy of Hygiene.
Slow motion exercises you see, people exercise but performing in parks and China, and sometimes in the u.s.. I began a study in martial arts in 1972 by studying, Japanese and Korean martial arts, and I pursued this because it was the only thing available to me at the time.
I eventually gained a black belt in a korean-style, then I gained belden, japanese style and actually even had a third black belt in a sort of hybrid american korean style, and it pushed it about as far as as I could get, and then I was sort of At my peak performance that point in my life I was about 30 years old, 30, 32 years old, 31 32 and wasn’t really suffering too much.
My knees were good. My hip joints were good. I was in excellent physical condition. I was a triathlete, then I had a bicycle wreck landed. On my right hand, did a complete flip. Over my hand, was pushed all the way back down to my forearm during the wreck, which not only broke bones, but spraying pulled ligaments.
What not, at the end of about 10 months, I finally went to an orthopedist and the orthopedist x-rated showed me that the actual fracture and the frack the bone was broken into several pieces. Anybody was very badly broken by the time I actually had it checked, and it appeared as though, at least of the orthopedist and and with the methods that he had available to him at the time that the bone was dead.
This bone that I broke from the victor scaphoid right here tends to be poorly supplied with blood and great many people and he presumed. I was one of those, and fact it was true, so I spent a year under him and through several other, actually ended up with another worth of pedis working with Cass and cast with coils electrical coils built into the cast to try to stimulate blood flow.
None of which worked and around the same time, I got an invitation to go to China to teach English at the college level. I just left at the chance to get to China because of my experience in martial arts and my experience with a kung-fu teacher that I’d had.
I had about two years of training with him up at this point. This is 1987 and when I got there, I immediately went to the various medical facilities that they make available to everyone, because they have socialized met and tried to use, acupuncture or biology and whatever Chinese medical procedures they had available.
And I was told to my disappointment that nothing would help my wrist I was told it was. The injury was too old that acupuncture wouldn’t help and that herbs wouldn’t help, but that I should learn a practice called she gone, which literally means working with chi or vital energy or life force, and I ended up training with the head coach of beijing.
University’S martial arts team, who turned out to be my only teacher, I went with him and studied with him throughout my tenure there, which was two years instead of one. I renewed my contract after the first year because of what I was learning from him and within five months my wrist was healed.
The way that I knew that she gone was working first of all had nothing to do with my wrist, which I’ll talk about in a minute. It was quite bad, but the first experience I had what you gon occurred within a month of doing the training.
With my teacher what I experienced, I had a head cold at the time and when I was sitting there doing my chi gong practice and meditation part of the Cheon practice – and I had this great rush of pulsing and energy that shot up from below my navel And went up into my head and basically destroyed this head coat that got my attention now.
As far as my wrist – and I knew I was on to something then – and what I was able to do eventually was to guide this pulsing sensation from my navel up to my shoulder and then down into my wrist, and I knew that it was well because Prior to my actually practicing chi gong, i could not lean like this against something.
If i were to put my put pressure on my wrist like there to try to lean on a table, i would collapse from the pain prior to injuring my wrist. I could do 100 pushups on my knuckles. I couldn’t do one push up.
My wrist hurts of that the end five months. I could not only do 100 pushups on my knuckles, but I could do handstand push-ups and I could lean on objects and I had no pain. So I didn’t even need to go to a physician to have my wrist x-rayed, but I did.
I have the wrist x-rayed. China show that it it healed, so I mean, as I said, I knew I was onto something when I experienced the cure for the common cold. My relationship with my teacher is probably the most important thing about my Qi Gong experience.
As I said, I had studied chi gong with other people and never had the experience that I had that I have with my teacher. We were very close and we had an actual mission, and that was to bring what he had to tip what he had taught me to the rest of the world and make it sensible to the rest of the world.
The quality of the teacher is a paramount importance. You have to have a teacher who’s accomplished to get you to a certain depth to get you to a certain level of profound ability which he gone for me.
I was prepared, semantically to accept chi gong as a healing art because of my immersion in the martial arts. I think she gone I’ve looked around. I think it’s the most powerful healing tool, I’ve ever seen in terms of a general healing tool that anyone can learn.
The Book Living QiGong
An accessible presentation of the philosophy and practice of the traditional Chinese martial art known as qigong, a form of meditative exercise aimed at promoting good health, this book contains easy-to-follow descriptions of the eight essential movements, accompanied by numerous photos. 100 photos. 30 illustrations.
Qigong (pronounced chee-gong) is a traditional healing art practiced by millions of Chinese to promote well-being and long life. Using a series of simple meditative movements (like those found in t’ai chi), qigong concentrates qi – the vital life force – and circulates this energy around the body to help boost the immune system, preventing illness before it starts or helping to heal disease even after it has taken root. Living Qigong is one of the first truly accessible books on this important healing practice. It presents a narrative description of the author’s own study of qigong under a famous Chinese master. Then, drawing on Western Medicine, Chinese Medicine, and Eastern philosophies, the author shows how the fundamental principles of qigong are also found in the traditional healing practices of many other cultures. Living Qigong also offers easy-to-follow descriptions of the eight essential qigong movements, accompanied by numerous photographs, so that readers can begin to practice qigong themselves.
If they just simply do what they’re told to do by the teacher