[By Dr Joe Vitale] So let’s look at money for a second. I have found that one of the greatest ways to attract money into your life is by giving it away. And it sounds counterintuitive. It sounds counter in logical, actually. But when you give money away, psychologically you’re telling yourself that there’s more than enough. Now, in fact, there is more than enough. The world itself, the divine, the universe, there’s no scarcity at all. The scarcity is in our scientific understanding of the universe, and the scarcity is in our own psychological makeup, our belief system.
Start Small But Make It A Stretch
So I have found that if you give money away, now when I say give money away, I want you to give what feels comfortable to you, but at the same time a stretch. So I’m not telling you to go empty your bank account. I’m not telling you to go close a savings account. I’m not telling you to go do anything like that. But I’m saying the start, be aware that if somebody’s giving you great service, for example at the restaurant and I’m known for doing this quite a lot and I feel like a king and the rest of feels like a queen and the people I’m with have had a wonderful royal time, I will give that person who served us far more than they’ve ever expected, sometimes 200 % as a tip.
Now again, you don’t have to go that way. But Dan Kennedy is one of my favorite marketers and Dan once said. That the hole that the universe brings the Wealth to you to is the size of the hole that you are giving Wealth through. So if you want to have more Wealth come into your life, if you want to attract far more riches into your life, the green stuff, the money, the bills, the dollar bills, the hundred dollar bills if you want to attract more of that into your life.
The Size Of The Hole You Give Through Determines What Comes Back
What you want to do is give more of it. The more you give, the wider you make that whole. The wider you give, the more you give, the more you open it so you can receive. Now this is a law, This is a principle that works. The only thing that would interfere with it is if you have the belief that it won’t work because the Law of Attraction is going to go with your unconscious beliefs. It’s going to go where you put your energy. So you want to start giving where you’re comfortable, but it makes you a little bit nervous, a little bit edgy. And it might be You see a homeless person and they want some money and you’ve got 5$ in your pocket and you decide to give them half of it, or you give them a dollar, or you give them a 50 percent, fifty cents.
But you give them something. It starts you to feel like you have money. You start to feel wealthier. Now I got to admit, the first time I heard about tithing, and I heard about giving, and I heard about being generous. I thought the people who are telling me that want me to give my money to them. That’s what I thought. And I’m sure a lot of people think that. You might even be thinking that because we hear it from ministers all the time, because tithing is in the Bible and a lot of religious people will often use that and it sounds like they want you to give money to them.
Overcoming Doubts About Giving And Tithing
And maybe they do, maybe they don’t. I don’t know. In those particular cases, my philosophy on this, my understanding of this is. You give wherever you’ve received spiritual nourishment, so that’s up to you. That spiritual nourishment, that good feeling, that inspirational feeling, that reminder of the divine and your connection to it can come from anywhere. That could come from somebody you’ve talked to on the phone, that can come from the mail person. Somebody delivered the mail to you. That can come from a waiter, it can come from a waitress, it can come from an employee.
They can come from somebody you’ve met on the elevator, Who knows where it might be. But wherever you’ve received your spiritual nourishment in that moment, give to that person now. You may run up against their deservingness. You may run up against the fact that they don’t want to receive, but do your best to give it. I often say give anonymously. They don’t even have to know. Find a way to get the money to them. The gift to them. But the idea is you want to give.
Give Wherever You’ve Received Spiritual Nourishment
The more you give, the more you engage the Law of Attraction to bring Wealth to you.